
Contact Information:

For more information you can send an email to:Http://tn-ac


Or if you have suggestions for the website or feedback you can send it to the email address listed above.  Or you can fill out the website feedback form by going to the link listed below.


Social Media:

Tennessee Council of the Blind on Linked IN


The Tennessee Council of the Blind (TCB) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit membership organization whose members are concerned about the dignity and well-being of blind people and a proud affiliate of the American Council of the Blind.

 Our members include persons who are blind, losing vision, or are parents of a child who is blind or visually impaired or fully sighted. We welcome anyone who wishes to work toward equal rights and full participation in society for everyone with a disability.

This organization's purpose is:

  • to expand the social, economic and cultural opportunities for blind persons in Tennessee;

  • to encourage and assist such persons in becoming more active, productive and responsible members of the community;

  • to enhance the educational and rehabilitative services available to blind persons in Tennessee;

  • to inform blind persons of available opportunities and services in education, employment, recreation, and other areas of common concern;

  • to inform the general public of the capabilities and accomplishments of blind persons and of the importance of providing specialized education to assist such persons to meet their full responsibilities as citizens.

If you know someone who is visually impaired or blind, please let them know about the Tennessee Council of the Blind.  TCB has chapters in Memphis, Nashville, Crossville and Knoxville.  We also have a chapter that reaches beyond Tennessee to help visually impaired and blind persons across the U.S., The Visually Impaired Peer Support Group.

Each of our chapters is composed of blind, visually impaired and sighted members.